Understanding Child Development: A Guide for Parents

It is a joy to witness the seemingly miraculous transformation of a defenseless newborn into an active and curious child and, ultimately, into a capable and independent adult. No two children develop exactly the same way, but the phases of child development are, for a healthy child, logical and predictable. Child development can be defined as the process by which a child changes over time. It covers the entire period from conception until an individual becomes a fully functional adult.

It's a journey from total dependence to total independence. The development of the child begins in the womb. Here is a summary of the developmental stages that a healthy and typical child goes through in the first five years of life. Genetics, gender, nutrition, physical activity, health problems, environment, and hormones all play a role in a child's height and weight, and many can vary greatly from family to family. Social development is how children learn to develop relationships and cooperate with family, friends and teachers.

In general, development occurs in the same order in most children, but skills can be developed at different ages or times. Neighborhood and Local Community Your child's development is supported by positive relationships with friends and neighbors, and access to playgrounds, parks, shops, and local services such as child care, play groups, kindergartens, schools, health centers, and libraries. That said, children who have been traumatized need to be in environments that restore their sense of security, control, and predictability, and usually require supportive and therapeutic care to facilitate their recovery. It's also changes in your child's social, emotional, behavioral, thinking, and communication skills. Usually, children reach certain milestones in their life around the same time, so we have several pages describing each of the major age milestones and what usually happens at that time. This is the age when your child begins to interact with other children at school, as well as with their teachers.

So, if you're wondering if your child's development is on track, remember that development happens over time. Your child's genes and other factors such as healthy eating habits, physical activity levels, health status and the neighborhood he or she lives in also influence your child's development and well-being. Parents, grandparents, early childhood care providers and other caregivers can participate in developmental monitoring which watches how their child grows and changes over time and if their child meets typical developmental milestones by playing learning talking behaving and moving. Take action now if you're concerned about your child's development by calling us at 1800 KIDSENSE (1800 543 73). Healthy development means that children of all abilities including those with special health care needs are able to grow where their social emotional and cognitive needs are met.

Early Brain Development · Parenting Matters · MMWR.

Sheldon Mccomas
Sheldon Mccomas

Unapologetic music junkie. Beer specialist. Devoted social media scholar. Unapologetic food geek. Professional internet geek.

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