How to Help Kids Develop Self-Regulation and Self-Discipline

Parents have a huge role to play in helping their children develop self-regulation and self-discipline. Modeling positive behavior is the first step in teaching children how to self-regulate. Thinking before we act, practicing deep breathing, being kind and compassionate to others, and using appropriate language to express our feelings are all important ways to show children how to behave. Giving positive attention and praise when your child shows self-discipline is also important.

Point out the good behavior you want to see more often. Studies have confirmed that it is possible to teach children self-control. Creating an environment that rewards self-control and eliminating temptations and distractions can help children stay on track. Timely reminders and practical, concrete advice can also help children stay motivated and follow a plan.

It takes time, patience, and dedication on the part of parents and caregivers, but the long-term benefit of helping your child develop their self-regulatory behavior far outweighs the short-term pain. Explaining the rules, expectations, and appropriate behavior is key. The more consistently you enforce them, the easier it will be for your children to meet your expectations. Younger children are more easily distracted, so taking the time to remind them at regular intervals will help them learn the art of self-control.

Teaching children self-control before they enter school and continuing to do so as they learn and grow can have a big impact on their future success in education, career, and personal relationships. Permissive parenting does not help children learn to self-regulate, as it does not ask them to manage themselves according to appropriate limits. If a parent always hands their child's jacket over when they forget it, they won't learn how to remember it themselves. As children get older, self-regulation can be a challenge if they have a lot of evaluation tasks or relationship difficulties.

Parents who reduce drama and calm their children's discomfort can help them develop a brain that calms down more easily. Overall, parents have an important role in helping their children develop self-regulation and self-discipline. Modeling positive behavior, creating an environment that rewards self-control, providing timely reminders and practical advice, enforcing rules consistently, and reducing drama can all help children learn the art of self-control.

Sheldon Mccomas
Sheldon Mccomas

Unapologetic music junkie. Beer specialist. Devoted social media scholar. Unapologetic food geek. Professional internet geek.

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